Who We Are


Carla Taylor | CEO 

BA(Hons), MBA(Int), MComm

Having worked with GPSA in education and research since 2020, Carla stepped into the role of CEO in May 2022 with sound knowledge of the GP training context coupled with vast amounts of curiosity and enthusiasm.

Carla is a problem-solver, strategist and marketing professional with a strong administrative and networking background.

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Leonie Chamberlain | Chief Operations Officer


Dr Samia Toukhsati | Director of Research & Policy


Dr Simon Morgan | Education Manager


Dr Jess Wrigley | Education Associate


Maryse Mascitti | Operations Manager


Pauline Ingham | Communications and Marketing Manager


Jane McMahon | Administration Officer – Operational Support


Karen Andrews | Administration Officer – Governance


It's very easy to feel isolated working in the general practice setting - but being a member of GPSA's community of practice means never being alone or unsupported.


We may be small, but that's what makes us nimble... And it helps that we have a passion for supporting the people committed to high quality supervision for tomorrow's GPs.


Governing a Not-For-Profit organisation is far from easy, but supporting this community of their peers to drive positive change makes the role of the GPSA Director vastly rewarding.

Date reviewed: 26 September 2023

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