Educational Resources Overview

Over the past few years, GP Supervisors Australia has developed a wide range of educational resources to assist supervisors in their role.
These comprise:

The educational resources cover topics related to supervision, teaching and assessment, as well as clinical content.

The educational resources have also been collated by the following categories for easy access:

  • ICPC2 body system chapter headings – the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC2) is an international classification system where clinical data is divided into 17 body system chapters representing the localisation of the problem or presentation e.g. dermatology
  • Frequency-based – according to BEACH data on frequency in Australian general practice
    – 30 most frequently managed reasons for encounter (presentations)
    – 30 most frequently managed problems
  • RACGP high risk areas

We welcome supervisor feedback on our educational resources, in particular suggestions for ‘teaching tips’, additional resource material and other topics.

If you would like to contribute a topic or feel a topic should be covered, please contact us.


GPSA educational resources clinical topics catalogue

This guide has been developed to categorise the GPSA clinical educational resources to assist supervisors and registrars to incorporate these resources into in-practice teaching and examination study plans.

Date reviewed: 03 October 2023

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.
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