Registrar Remuneration

Current base rates of pay

Registrar Training TermMinimum Hourly Rate
from start 2023.2
Minimum Weekly Rate 2023.2 (based on 1.0 FTE)Minimum Monthly Salary 2023.2 (based on 1.0 FTE)
Term 1$42.96$1,632.47$7,074.05
Term 2$51.65$1,962.61$8,504.65
Term 3+$55.17$2,096.29$9,083.92

Medicare percentage

The minimum percentage of billings or receipts for GP registrars is currently set at 44.79%, plus 11% superannuation.

Note: Superannuation will be changing to 11.5% from 1 July 2024.

Negotiating the percentage

Registrars are provided with education from both their professional organisation and peers in how to negotiate. They will come prepared – so should you! Your registrar will attempt to negotiate a higher percentage; some are known to ask for as much as the independent fellowed GPs working in the practice. Unlike those fellows, your registrar is an employee, and as such (in stark contrast with independent GPs who bear their own costs) adds to your expenses with payroll tax, workers compensation insurance, annual leave, personal leave and the potential cost to the practice’s reputation.

Negotiation of the percentage you pay must therefore be done with care and in full awareness of risk versus reward. GPs in training can make wonderful employees and benefit your practice in myriad ways. With fewer registrars entering training than training practices ready to engage them, however, the business risk comes down to whether competition with other practices means you need to pay more than appropriate for the quality of applicant just to have this extra member on the team for the training term.

This conundrum is not exclusive to general practice, nor even the health sector. Finding staff, especially good staff, is increasingly difficult. GPSA is working on additional opportunities for you to network with your peers to work through your challenges as employer and/ or business owner. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to our CEO, Carla Taylor, who is more than happy to draw on her extensive commercial and HR background to help where she can: [email protected].

Date reviewed: 26 September 2023

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