National Terms & Conditions for Employment of Registrars (NTCER)

Updating pay rates for the second half of 2024

Changes to base rate for existing trainees from July 1, 2024

From the start of the new financial year, trainees on an existing contract continue to be paid the rate set for 2024.1 (BR23) plus the 3.5% MBS indexation increase announced on June 5, 2024 (ie minimum base rate for 2023/24 × 1.035 = BR23A). Additionally, there will be a statutory increase in superannuation on July 1, taking this to 11.5%.
Irrespective of where this date falls in your pay period, the new minimum rate “BR23A” applies through to the end of Semester/Term 1, 2024:

REGISTRAR LEVELFortnightlyWeeklyHourly

Changes to base rate from the start of 2024.2

From the start of the second training semester (see relevant dates by state/territory), the BR23 base rate used in 2023.2 / 2024.1 will incur two (2) increases:
  1. through the 3.5% MBS indexation increase announced in the first week of June (ie BR23 × 1.035), plus
  2. the 1% increase agreed upon in the 2022 NTCER review.

Contracts for 2024.2 must further note the statutory increase in superannuation from 11% to 11.5% as of July 1, 2024: which will have an immediate impact on payroll costs for all employees including registrars.


Important notes

  1. This national instrument outlines the minimum employment conditions for registrars, therefore individual practices are free to offer higher base rates and/or percentage of billing/receipts, and/or increased frequency of billing calculations, compared to what is specified in the NTCER.
    Training practices cannot employ registrars below the conditions outlined in the agreement.
  2. The Base Rate for 2024.2 (“BR24”) = BR23 + (BR23 x (MBSI + 1%)) or (BR23A x 1.01)
    ● Base Rate for 2023.2 / 2024.1 = “BR23”
    ● Base Rate for July 2024 to start 2024.2 = “BR23A”
    ● Base Rate for 2024.2 / 2025.1 = “BR24”
    ● MBS Indexation = “MBSI”

  3. The increases in the below table only apply to the minimum base rates outlined in the NTCER and do not need to be applied unilaterally. If you are already paying above the minimum base rate, to comply please ensure this rate remains equivalent to or better than the below at the corresponding point in time, noting the Remuneration Schedule in the NTCER has now been updated to reflect the minimum base rate for contracts commencing in 2024.2 (“BR24”):

valid to June 30, 2024:
“BR23” base rates
valid from July 1, 2024:
“BR23A” base rates
= BR23 + 3.5% MBSI
1% increase per 2022 NTCER Review
(adjustment effective for 2024.2)
“BR24” base rates
valid from start 2024.2
Term 1


+ $0.43
= $44.89
Term 2


+ $0.52
= $53.97
Term 3+


+ $0.55
= $57.64

NTCER 2023-25

updated with interim changess from July 1 to end 2024.1, and for contracts commencing 2024.2 (Table 1)

Priorities for negotiating employment arrangements

Priority 1

The registrar must be able to access high quality supervision amidst a positive placement experience

Priority 2

The registrar must develop an understanding of the business of general practice to assist them in maximising their earnings

Priority 3

The training practice must be able to sustain the remuneration structure agreed for the registrar while meeting all legal obligations

Don’t forget to prioritise business sustainability

Focusing on profitability does not equate to greed! A key responsibilty for all businesses under section 95A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is to make profit and remain solvent at all times.

As registrar wages are largely funded through the fee-for-service model, training practice sustainability relies on the registrar being supported to manage adequate patient numbers to cover their wages and associated on-costs.

Summary of Updates from 2022 NTCER Review

The 2022 Review of the NTCER has resulted in a number of revisions to the Agreement, introduced across 4 training semesters starting on 1st February 2023 (2023.1):

  • → staggered 4% increase to minimum Base Rate;
  • → extending Educational Release support for GPT3/CGT3 registrars;
  • → amending Educational Release to provide full-time parity for part-time registrars;
  • → strengthened focus on fatigue management through increase in allocated Administration Time;
  • → revised Preamble to emphasise the minimum nature of the terms and conditions under the NTCER, above which practices and registrars are free to negotiate for mutual benefit and according to commercial viability;
  • → replacing the Restrictive Covenant with a Non-Solicitation clause.

Key Links

Date reviewed: 06 June 2024

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.

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