Supervisor Liaison Officers

The role of the Supervisor Liaison Officer (SLO) is critical to ensuring a well-supported, high quality GP training sector.


SLOs are employed by RACGP, ACRRM, and RVTS to represent and assist supervisors of GP/RG registrars across the country by

  • A) advocating for the individual and collective needs of
         GP supervisors; and

  • B) informing policy and process development to inform
         best practice general practice training.

Both Colleges as well as RVTS have employed SLOs to represent and assist supervisors of GP/RG registrars
across the country.

For your convenience, we’ve compiled the details for the current SLOs by region, with corresponding email addresses linked to the names listed.

Supervisor Liaison Officers

Recognising the need to provide opportunities for these SLOs to network, troubleshoot and share ideas, GPSA has developed Terms of Reference and a Memorandum of Understanding between ACRRM, GPSA and RACGP to create and administer the newly branded “SLO Advisory Council”.

Date reviewed: 10 January 2024

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.

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