Updating the NTCER Agreement for 2023-25: FAQs

What are the changes?

The key NTCER amendments to be implemented across the next 4 training semesters (2023.1-2024.2) include:

  • staggered 4% increase to minimum Base Rate;
  • extending Educational Release support for GPT3/CGT3 registrars;
  • amending Educational Release to provide full-time parity for part-time registrars;
  • strengthened focus on fatigue management through increase in allocated Administration Time;
  • revised Preamble to emphasise the minimum nature of the terms and conditions under the NTCER, above which practices and registrars are free to negotiate for mutual benefit and according to commercial viability;
  • replacing the Restrictive Covenant with a Non-Solicitation clause.
The revised NTCER can be viewed and downloaded here.

Please bookmark this page to easily access these FAQs as we add to them throughout the year.

A 4% increase in the base rate of pay at each level will be introduced in 2 stages: 

  • 3% increase to the base rate of pay introduced in Semester 2, 2023, then
  • 1% increase to the base rate of pay introduced in Semester 2, 2024.

This staggered increase is supplementary to annual adjustments to the registrar base rate in line with the indexation of the MBS, level 23 consultation item. New base rates of pay take effect in the training term immediately following the annual 1 July announcement of the MBS indexation factor.

There was no change to base rate for Semester 1 in 2023.

The below table, shows the effect of the base rate change for Semester 2 in 2023, including the increase by MBS indexation announced for July 1st 2023:

Registrar Training Term

2022 Hourly Rate

2022 Weekly Rate

(3%) 2023.2 Increase to minimum Hourly Rate

MBS Indexation


2023.2 Hourly Rate*

2023.2 Weekly Rate*






















This calculation is explained in the revised NTCER (Schedule A – Remuneration) as:



+ 3% inc


= BR23


  •   “BR22” = Base Rate for 2022.2 / 2023.1
  •   “BR23” = Base Rate for 2023.2 / 2024.1
  •   “MBSI” = MBS Indexation

NB Base Rate for 2024.2 / 2025.1 (“BR24”) will be calculated as BR23 + 1% inc + MBSI

Within 10 days of the announcement of the MBS indexation factor at the commencement of each financial year, Schedule A – Remuneration is amended to reflect the adjustment to base rates. When GPSA and GPRA jointly inform their members of the revised schedule, this includes an adjusted table showing the actual impact on wages. 

Actual rate information will thus be available by no later than 10th July 2023 for Semester 2 of 2023 (2023.2)

The agreed 4% increase in base rates of pay staggered across 2023.2 and 2024.2 will assist in the smoothing of both income for registrars and cash flow for practices.

Additional registrar earnings from the periodic calculation of billings/receipts will reduce with any increase to the base rate of pay given these periodic payments are calculated as the difference between “x” and “y”, where

  • x = the agreed percentage inclusive of superannuation[1] (see clause 7 of the NTCER) applied to the registrar’s total billings/receipts; and
  • y = the base rate of pay underwritten by the employing practice.


[1] Practices need to adjust the wages of all salaried staff by the annual increases to the super guarantee percentage described by the ATO in Table 21 as 11% on 1 July 2023; 11.5% on 1 July 2024; and 12% on 1 July 2025.

Why was this change needed?

The 2018 NTCER Agreement did not provide for paid educational release for GPT3 registrars and above.  This impacted registrars and training practices whose RTOs scheduled mandated training during the GPT3 term.

What is different here?

All registrars, regardless of their training placement category, are now to be paid at their base rate of pay for mandated educational release that occurs during normal weekday hours. Registrars are not paid for educational release that occurs after hours or on weekends.

What has changed?

Full-time and part-time registrars are now equally entitled to time off in lieu on the nearest rostered day to (immediately preceding or immediately following) the educational release day.

Why has this change been agreed?

GPSA and GPRA agree equitable access to educational release for part-time registrars to be fair and reasonable. Previously, a part-time registrar mandated to attend a full-day workshop on a day the practice has not scheduled them to work has added this day to their training workload without any reference to fatigue management.

What has changed between the previous NTCER Agreement and new one created for 2023-25?

GPSA and GPRA have agreed to increase the administration (admin) time allowed for registrars under the revised NTCER to 30 minutes per half-day session, up to a maximum of 5 hours per week. This time is not cumulative and is to be allocated and used in each session.

To highlight the importance of this condition of registrar employment in terms of fatigue management, a new sub-clause has been created in the revised NTCER Agreement (clause 9.3) where admin time was previously only mentioned briefly under clause 9.2 Educational Release.

Why was change needed?

The intention behind providing a defined allocation for admin time is to allow a registrar sufficient time to keep their patient records up to date, follow up with patient matters, and consolidate learning.

GPSA and GPRA acknowledge that the demands on GPs are becoming greater, making the need for admin time more relevant than ever before. 

Given this revision to the NTCER Agreement will require an amendment to rosters already drafted for Semester 1 of 2023 (2023.1), this change will not be effective as a minimum condition until Semester 2, 2023 (2023.2).

For 2023.1, the minimum allowance for admin time remains “approximately” 2.5 hours.

No – the purpose of admin time is to assist with fatigue management and therefore support the provision of a safe working environment for the registrar and practice staff, and importantly the safe provision of medical services to patients.

Practices are always free to allocate additional admin time above that included in NTCER.

It is important to monitor a registrar who regularly requires additional admin time as this can suggest a need for performance support such as assistance with time management.

GPRA and GPSA have worked together collaboratively in respect to the updated NTCER.  We are committed to providing a minimum set of terms and conditions to ensure both registrars and practices are provided with standards that are fair and equitable, delivering safe working conditions in the context of GP training.

GPRA and GPSA are not party to the practice’s business structures, opportunities and challenges.  We understand and acknowledge that each general practice across the country must be guided by its own business priorities, operating conditions and risks.

General practices and registrars should be comfortable to negotiate changes to financial terms (base rate, % and/or frequency of calculation) as long as any such changes neither fall below the minimum standards nor exceed what is sustainable for the practice to pay throughout the placement.

Practices can choose to offer contracts that require paying percentages at any interval they find most beneficial to their circumstances so long as billing is calculated no less than once every 13 weeks.

Registrars, like employees in any industry, seek to be valued for their contribution.  A registrar who wishes to negotiate conditions above the minimum standards documented in the NTCER should be respected for valuing themselves and recognising what they can bring to the practice as an employee.

Whether or not the practice is willing or able to negotiate conditions in excess of the NTCER is dependent upon the business’ unique conditions. The practice should not feel pressured to negotiate conditions that are unsustainable, nor should the registrar’s desire to negotiate improved conditions cloud the practice owner / supervisor’s judgement regarding a registrar.

The use of Restrictive Covenants in Australia is becoming less prevalent. Courts generally only enforce them if they are found necessary to protect the business goodwill of the party that benefits from the clause. 

GPSA and GPRA believe that it is unlikely that a registrar would have the necessary influence after a 6 or 12 month term to negatively impact a practice if they move to a competitor in close proximity.

A more common scenario across all industries, and one which GPSA and GPRA agree should not be encouraged in general practice, is where a former employee attempts to solicit clients (patients) and/or staff to follow them to another business. For this reason, the Restrictive Covenant in the previous version of the NTCER has been replaced with a Non-Solicitation clause, reflecting the reality of the current business environment and the mood of the courts in upholding restrictive covenants.

1. Educational Release:

  • Where GPT3s have mandated workshop requirements during standardly rostered hours, these will be included as paid time by practice (unless on a weekend or after hours)
  • Training practices to provide part-time GP trainees educational release in parity with full-time GP trainees

2. Restrictive Covenant:

  • Clause to be removed from NTCER and replaced with non-solicitation of patients and staff

Do the adjustments to the NTCER require any changes to the registrar’s roster?

The practice should review rosters for part-time registrars and refer to the educational release calendar issued by RACGP and ACCRM.  If a part-time registrar is attending educational release on a day that they are not standardly rostered, the practice will need to provide them an alternative day off in the same week.

GPSA continues to advocate for practice reimbursement by the Colleges for costs incurred under this provision.

The practice will need to ensure that ALL registrars who attend College-mandated educational release days during normal hours receive their base rate of pay for these days. Please note that there is no requirement to pay for educational release that occurs after hours or on weekends.

1. 3% increase to minimum base rate

on top of indexation


GPSA and GPRA will ensure all members are informed of the new hourly/weekly wages ahead of commencement of Semester 2

2. Scheduled administration time of 30 mins per session (half day) to max 5 hours per week

Do I need to schedule this in the Registrars appointment profile?

Yes. Formal administration time of 30 minutes per session, up to a maximum of 5 hours per week, will need to be built into the registrar’s appointment profile. This should be allocated in a way that supports the registrar by providing time and opportunity to complete administrative tasks throughout the day. This time is not to be taken to provide an early finish or accumulated for use as a block to provide a (half) day off.

Nothing changes with reference to the NTCER, ie the same terms and conditions apply for 2024.1 as the previosu semester (2023.2).

Further 1% increase to minimum base rate

on top of indexation

GPSA and GPRA will ensure all members are informed of the new hourly/weekly wages ahead of commencement of Semester 2, 2024.

One of the main concerns registrars have with calculation and payment of wages based on the percentage of fees over a period that is longer than the standard fortnightly pay period is the taxation impact at time of payment. 

Many practices utilise payroll packages such as MYOB, Xero, Quickbooks etc which base the calculation of PAYG withholding on the payment being made, rather than the cumulative effect of that payment on the recipient’s wage over the full financial year. This may result in a higher than necessary amount of tax being withheld from the wages paid under this process.

GPSA and GPRA are unable to provide taxation advice. We suggest you speak with your Accountant or Tax Agent regarding the most appropriate method to calculate the amount of tax paid on lump sum wages.

A 4% increase in the base rate of pay at each level will be introduced in 2 stages: 

  • 3% increase to the base rate of pay introduced in Semester 2, 2023, then
  • 1% increase to the base rate of pay introduced in Semester 2, 2024.

This staggered increase is supplementary to annual adjustments to the registrar base rate in line with the indexation of the MBS, level 23 consultation item. New base rates of pay take effect in the training term immediately following the annual 1 July announcement of the MBS indexation factor.

There was no change to base rate for Semester 1 in 2023.

The below table, shows the effect of the base rate change for Semester 2 in 2023, including the increase by MBS indexation announced for July 1st 2023:

Registrar Training Term

2022 Hourly Rate

2022 Weekly Rate

(3%) 2023.2 Increase to minimum Hourly Rate

MBS Indexation


2023.2 Hourly Rate*

2023.2 Weekly Rate*






















This calculation is explained in the revised NTCER (Schedule A – Remuneration) as:



+ 3% inc


= BR23


  •   “BR22” = Base Rate for 2022.2 / 2023.1
  •   “BR23” = Base Rate for 2023.2 / 2024.1
  •   “MBSI” = MBS Indexation

NB Base Rate for 2024.2 / 2025.1 (“BR24”) will be calculated as BR23 + 1% inc + MBSI

Within 10 days of the announcement of the MBS indexation factor at the commencement of each financial year, Schedule A – Remuneration is amended to reflect the adjustment to base rates. When GPSA and GPRA jointly inform their members of the revised schedule, this includes an adjusted table showing the actual impact on wages. 

Actual rate information will thus be available by no later than 10th July 2023 for Semester 2 of 2023 (2023.2)

The agreed 4% increase in base rates of pay staggered across 2023.2 and 2024.2 will assist in the smoothing of both income for registrars and cash flow for practices.

Additional registrar earnings from the periodic calculation of billings/receipts will reduce with any increase to the base rate of pay given these periodic payments are calculated as the difference between “x” and “y”, where

  • x = the agreed percentage inclusive of superannuation[1] (see clause 7 of the NTCER) applied to the registrar’s total billings/receipts; and
  • y = the base rate of pay underwritten by the employing practice.


[1] Practices need to adjust the wages of all salaried staff by the annual increases to the super guarantee percentage described by the ATO in Table 21 as 11% on 1 July 2023; 11.5% on 1 July 2024; and 12% on 1 July 2025.

Why was this change needed?

The 2018 NTCER Agreement did not provide for paid educational release for GPT3 registrars and above.  This impacted registrars and training practices whose RTOs scheduled mandated training during the GPT3 term.

What is different here?

All registrars, regardless of their training placement category, are now to be paid at their base rate of pay for mandated educational release that occurs during normal weekday hours. Registrars are not paid for educational release that occurs after hours or on weekends.

What has changed?

Full-time and part-time registrars are now equally entitled to time off in lieu on the nearest rostered day to (immediately preceding or immediately following) the educational release day.

Why has this change been agreed?

GPSA and GPRA agree equitable access to educational release for part-time registrars to be fair and reasonable. Previously, a part-time registrar mandated to attend a full-day workshop on a day the practice has not scheduled them to work has added this day to their training workload without any reference to fatigue management.

What has changed between the previous NTCER Agreement and new one created for 2023-25?

GPSA and GPRA have agreed to increase the administration (admin) time allowed for registrars under the revised NTCER to 30 minutes per half-day session, up to a maximum of 5 hours per week. This time is not cumulative and is to be allocated and used in each session.

To highlight the importance of this condition of registrar employment in terms of fatigue management, a new sub-clause has been created in the revised NTCER Agreement (clause 9.3) where admin time was previously only mentioned briefly under clause 9.2 Educational Release.

Why was change needed?

The intention behind providing a defined allocation for admin time is to allow a registrar sufficient time to keep their patient records up to date, follow up with patient matters, and consolidate learning.

GPSA and GPRA acknowledge that the demands on GPs are becoming greater, making the need for admin time more relevant than ever before. 

Given this revision to the NTCER Agreement will require an amendment to rosters already drafted for Semester 1 of 2023 (2023.1), this change will not be effective as a minimum condition until Semester 2, 2023 (2023.2).

For 2023.1, the minimum allowance for admin time remains “approximately” 2.5 hours.

No – the purpose of admin time is to assist with fatigue management and therefore support the provision of a safe working environment for the registrar and practice staff, and importantly the safe provision of medical services to patients.

Practices are always free to allocate additional admin time above that included in NTCER.

It is important to monitor a registrar who regularly requires additional admin time as this can suggest a need for performance support such as assistance with time management.

GPRA and GPSA have worked together collaboratively in respect to the updated NTCER.  We are committed to providing a minimum set of terms and conditions to ensure both registrars and practices are provided with standards that are fair and equitable, delivering safe working conditions in the context of GP training.

GPRA and GPSA are not party to the practice’s business structures, opportunities and challenges.  We understand and acknowledge that each general practice across the country must be guided by its own business priorities, operating conditions and risks.

General practices and registrars should be comfortable to negotiate changes to financial terms (base rate, % and/or frequency of calculation) as long as any such changes neither fall below the minimum standards nor exceed what is sustainable for the practice to pay throughout the placement.

Practices can choose to offer contracts that require paying percentages at any interval they find most beneficial to their circumstances so long as billing is calculated no less than once every 13 weeks.

Registrars, like employees in any industry, seek to be valued for their contribution.  A registrar who wishes to negotiate conditions above the minimum standards documented in the NTCER should be respected for valuing themselves and recognising what they can bring to the practice as an employee.

Whether or not the practice is willing or able to negotiate conditions in excess of the NTCER is dependent upon the business’ unique conditions. The practice should not feel pressured to negotiate conditions that are unsustainable, nor should the registrar’s desire to negotiate improved conditions cloud the practice owner / supervisor’s judgement regarding a registrar.

The use of Restrictive Covenants in Australia is becoming less prevalent. Courts generally only enforce them if they are found necessary to protect the business goodwill of the party that benefits from the clause. 

GPSA and GPRA believe that it is unlikely that a registrar would have the necessary influence after a 6 or 12 month term to negatively impact a practice if they move to a competitor in close proximity.

A more common scenario across all industries, and one which GPSA and GPRA agree should not be encouraged in general practice, is where a former employee attempts to solicit clients (patients) and/or staff to follow them to another business. For this reason, the Restrictive Covenant in the previous version of the NTCER has been replaced with a Non-Solicitation clause, reflecting the reality of the current business environment and the mood of the courts in upholding restrictive covenants.

1. Educational Release:

  • Where GPT3s have mandated workshop requirements during standardly rostered hours, these will be included as paid time by practice (unless on a weekend or after hours)
  • Training practices to provide part-time GP trainees educational release in parity with full-time GP trainees

2. Restrictive Covenant:

  • Clause to be removed from NTCER and replaced with non-solicitation of patients and staff

Do the adjustments to the NTCER require any changes to the registrar’s roster?

The practice should review rosters for part-time registrars and refer to the educational release calendar issued by RACGP and ACCRM.  If a part-time registrar is attending educational release on a day that they are not standardly rostered, the practice will need to provide them an alternative day off in the same week.

GPSA continues to advocate for practice reimbursement by the Colleges for costs incurred under this provision.

The practice will need to ensure that ALL registrars who attend College-mandated educational release days during normal hours receive their base rate of pay for these days. Please note that there is no requirement to pay for educational release that occurs after hours or on weekends.

1. 3% increase to minimum base rate

on top of indexation


GPSA and GPRA will ensure all members are informed of the new hourly/weekly wages ahead of commencement of Semester 2

2. Scheduled administration time of 30 mins per session (half day) to max 5 hours per week

Do I need to schedule this in the Registrars appointment profile?

Yes. Formal administration time of 30 minutes per session, up to a maximum of 5 hours per week, will need to be built into the registrar’s appointment profile. This should be allocated in a way that supports the registrar by providing time and opportunity to complete administrative tasks throughout the day. This time is not to be taken to provide an early finish or accumulated for use as a block to provide a (half) day off.

Nothing changes with reference to the NTCER, ie the same terms and conditions apply for 2024.1 as the previosu semester (2023.2).

Further 1% increase to minimum base rate

on top of indexation

GPSA and GPRA will ensure all members are informed of the new hourly/weekly wages ahead of commencement of Semester 2, 2024.

One of the main concerns registrars have with calculation and payment of wages based on the percentage of fees over a period that is longer than the standard fortnightly pay period is the taxation impact at time of payment. 

Many practices utilise payroll packages such as MYOB, Xero, Quickbooks etc which base the calculation of PAYG withholding on the payment being made, rather than the cumulative effect of that payment on the recipient’s wage over the full financial year. This may result in a higher than necessary amount of tax being withheld from the wages paid under this process.

GPSA and GPRA are unable to provide taxation advice. We suggest you speak with your Accountant or Tax Agent regarding the most appropriate method to calculate the amount of tax paid on lump sum wages.

Date reviewed: 02 October 2023

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.
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