Who We Are


As individual GPs and businesses operating in isolation across Australia, the supervisors and training practice owners often mis-labelled by politicians as belonging to a “cottage industry” are all too often overlooked. By uniting these same individuals and businesses as a community of practice, their single unified voice has the potential to create unprecedented change.

The GPSA community is as diverse and exciting as the medical specialty it is responsible for perpetuating. The medical professionals and administrators who make up almost 10,000 GPSA members are all involved in, or aspiring to contribute to, the supervision of tomorrow’s GPs and RGs. This supervising community is spread across the country, both in the traditional general practice setting and, more frequently now, outside the community clinic in contexts including public hospitals, state healthcare clinics, ACCHOs, AMSs, RFDS and the ADF, among others. 

GPSA not only supports this community – GPSA is this community.

So when someone asks you who GPSA is, here is your answer…

GPSA is a passionate community supported by a dedicated team, which is in turn guided by an experienced Board of Directors elected by and from the community.

Join the Community

As a member of GPSA, you are part of a special community of practice. All memberships are free and provide access to a growing range of resources, services and supports.


By joining our community platform, you can connect, share ideas, access special discounts, and direct our education, research and advocacy focus.

Voting Rights

There are three levels of membership according to voting rights. Once you’ve activated your community account, you’ll be automatically assigned to the appropriate membership type.


It's very easy to feel isolated working in the general practice setting - but being a member of GPSA's community of practice means never being alone or unsupported.


We may be small, but that's what makes us nimble... And it helps that we have a passion for supporting the people committed to high quality supervision for tomorrow's GPs.


Governing a Not-For-Profit organisation is far from easy, but supporting this community of their peers to drive positive change makes the role of the GPSA Director vastly rewarding.

Date reviewed: 09 September 2023

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